“The Caretaker of the Earth Apprenticeship is the best training I have received in 15 years of shamanic work. My body and the land are becoming one. This class has required and supported my growth – propelling me forward in my personal evolution. I return from each session excited, inspired, and envisioning more possibilities. Ana Larramendi is smart, thoughtful, passionate, flexible, fully committed to her work, and never loses her sense of humor. She teaches us to work impeccably, not just by saying the words, but by living her teachings. She is meticulously prepared for class and then carries the willingness to scrap her teaching plan on a moment’s notice to attend the needs of her students. Further, Ana continuously balances the needs of the class with the needs of every individual in it. In becoming caretakers, we are well cared for.” E.A. Philadelphia, PA
“I highly recommend this class. I’ve never had such consistent progress with healing on so many levels as in this class. I was encouraged by the depth we addressed the ethics involved in healing the earth.
Ana’s love for the earth motivates her teaching, her work, and her life. She is an inspiration. The assistants she chooses have much to add in their own right. This class is what comes after you’ve learned the basics and are ready for the big work that’s waiting to be done.” C.E. Detroit, MI
“Ana offers the wisdom of the teachings she carries with integrity, compassion, and humor. She is generous in her support of each participant’s unique journey while holding the ancient ways with clarity and respect in the modern world. I felt safe and well-guided at all times. Therefore, I was able to surrender to unexpected and astounding leaps in my own healing and in becoming a more skilled Earth Caretaker. This is definitely a class that leaves the indoor conference center behind and immerses you in a carefully designed sequence of experiences and practices to deepen your healing, your relationship to the Earth, and your skill as an Earth Caretaker.” A.F. Madison, WI
Thank you Ana,
I have such immense gratitude for you and for all who participated. I still don’t have words to express myself adequately in giving thanks and appreciation for the teachings and all the support and amazing contributions from everyone. I was a little lost in space earlier in the week, but seem to be grounding. I must remember to do my part in consciously connecting with spirit and practice, practice, practice. Please know that things are already unfolding in a way that seems quite wonderful. What a beautiful group we are. Blessings to all.
- R.
Hi Ana,
Since last weekend’s course, I have continued doing the Tupay-based journeying. I find it as compelling as doing the Buddhist technique tonglen. It seems very beneficial to me and to the relationships I have so far addressed with it. I would be very interested in attending any course you may develop to further explore this skill.
Happy trails with Love and Light in the Darkness,
- S.
Hello wonderful Ana.
Thank you so much for your warm and wise heart. Your teachings. Your steadfastness. Your ability to see and dissolve fear and hold gentle peace and awareness for us this past weekend. And all you did to create an amazing space for self-exploration.
There are so many things I learned at the weekend. I have gone over it again and again remembering pieces. One very strong result was that when I got home I noticed channels opening where I felt very strong spirit voices around me just before falling asleep or waking up. I do have my protector spirits. My archangel and Virgin Mary figure. I love your idea of using Tupay to resolve old wounds.
Again Ana thank you so much for all your wonderful teaching.
- H.
Thank you so, so, much Ana for an incredible time. You are really the “Queen Mother” of organization and making everyone feel so at home. I bet you need a vacation right about now…Adolfo is really one of the most gracious, kind and powerful teachers I have ever encountered to date. He is so directly connected to his roots, his calling, and turns his knowledge into a blessing for everyone. Thank you to you, to Adolfo and Amy. It’s a pleasure to meet you and see all these teachings unfold before us. I am sure our paths will cross again someday. Have a beautiful week.
With blessings and gratitude,
- J.
Many thanks, Ana, for the truly awesome workshop. And I mean that without the hyperbole. How strange to come home and wake up in the middle of the night and wonder how I’m going to integrate all I’ve learned into my day-to-day routine. I am transformed.
Many blessings, many thanks.
Thank you for that extraordinary introduction to Shamanic principles. I’m glad I did so much research before hand, because that knowledge helped me understand even better the information you shared with us. I love the simplicity of shamanism. Its beauty lies in its common sense and in its egalitarianism.
I’ve always felt extremely self-conscious when practicing ritual – mainly because my experience was that rituals were devoid of meaning. Now that you’ve shown me the meaning, I found it easy and natural to call in the directions when creating my sacred space this morning. I paused the longest over mother earth and wept for her pain and anger and feelings of betrayal. It was an overpowering feeling that welled up through me and could only be expressed through tears.
I so want to thank you for all you did in preparation and teaching this weekend. It was amazing, awesome, wonderful, just a few adjectives that don’t come close to saying what it was really like.
I came away so filled, and at peace. So much is flooding my thoughts right now. It is going to take weeks to assimilate all I learned and experienced. This weekend was just the beginning but also at the same time a culmination of the things I have been experiencing over the last few months especially. I have felt like I have been buried under an avalanche of experiences. Things have just been coming my way, falling into place.
Just want to say thank you again for a wonderful weekend. I hope and pray to be able to come to more retreats. I have a thirst for knowledge, and I believe this is truly a path I am to follow.
Sincerely, C. E.
Hi Meg,
Oh Meg, Meg, Meg, I just got back tonight from this weekend @ Bethel Horizons with Ana. Where do I begin? It’s hard to put my feelings into words. I almost feel as if I’ve been reborn. This weekend has opened up a pathway for me that is just unbelievable. I am planning to attend the circle Wed night, so I can share more then. But I wanted to thank you for your part in helping my life change take place. I guess I was ready or the spirits would not have guided me to you. I know your weekend was just as awesome as mine. Have a wonderful day. I have to begin to process the many happenings that I experienced. As you can see, its midnight and I haven’t come down yet, and I even tried some chocolate ginger. So I’m going to read a while then try to sleep. Thank you again.
Namaste, S.
I just completed a most successful weekend at Bethel Horizon with 10 of the folks from here. They just LOVED the weekend. I had two phone messages when I arrived back on Sunday eve, two e-mail messages, another 2 phone calls yesterday and one long personal visit. So from this end it was extremely positive and I now believe I will no longer be the lone trumpet in the Quad Cities. Ana will be able to fill you in from her end as the Pachamama person, giving a clearer and fuller picture. Her work with his group was a gigantic ceke line that will have far reaching effects.
Hi Ana,
What an experience yesterday was!!
I am so glad that I was able to take your class. It was a life altering experience. If nothing else, it helped me to see, yet again, that my intuition is right on and that I should listen to it. I’m listening to it even if I think it is silly, so when the really important signals come up, I’m used to listening to them.
A new animal showed up for the 1st three journeys, and one of the books gave
a description that fit to a “T”.
Thank you very much for your medicine, my personal sessions, and the class you taught. I am very grateful for each of them and their different aspects.
I wanted to let you know that last night I did have stuff tumbling in my brain that woke me up around 1:30 – but after Saturday, it is a completely different experience. My torus is clear/empty/white… and how things run through my brain were very different.
I’m sending you an e-mail I sent to others that attended the workshop on May 27, 2006 about Sweet Cicely. I was not feeling well when I came and the day was a personal challenge for me physically. Not due to the exercises you facilitated but due to my personal challenges that are manifesting physically at this time.
Anyway, the distilled water from sweet cicely IS used as a diuretic and aphrodisiac. Second Chakra, water, purification were my impressions. I WAS AFRAID TO REALLY TALK TO PLANTS BEFORE THAT DAY. I spoke to them as though they were cute children. You know the ones you pat on the head and only half listen to what they are trying to say sometimes? NO MORE. I AM VOWING TO BECOME INTIMATE WITH MY PLANT BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
The fox walking and stalking was wonderful too. I heard you telling Shirley about the different pressures in a step and how they can be related to the health or condition of the entity leaving the track –similar to reflexology. WOW!!! I’d love to learn more about that some day.
Namaste, Love, Hope, Peace, Joy to You Always!
P. M.
3-31-09 (after Betsy Bergstrom’s advanced curse unraveling class)
Dear Ana,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for everything you did before and during Betsy’s class. This was my first residential workshop, and after having attended it, I feel I have been well and truly spoiled!! I was extremely impressed with the impeccable organization that went into it. I felt that my needs were so well met, not only regarding the content of the class and field trips, but also as far as transportation, accommodations, and food. I can’t even fathom the sheer amount of preparation that went into creating such a wonderful experience for all us, but I want you to know that it meant a great deal to me to be so well taken care of. You are awesome, and I thank you, for all that you do, from the bottom of my heart.
Keeping you in my thoughts,
- H.
Just a quick note to let you know how much we (Sharon and I) deeply appreciate you/r work/shop (many meanings here) during our week in the Driftless country. Your dedication to Earth Healing and your sense of ethics are a model for us all to follow. Thanks for your heart/h and your soul.
Our understanding, and more importantly, my experiential knowledge of Shamanic Earth Healing did a quantum leap. The numerous journeys we undertook literally opened new worlds (or gave us deeper access to known worlds) all populated with powerful spirits.
The spiritual connections with the various spirits, allies, guides and elementals we met and we whom we learned to work are part indeed of a rich cosmology.
I will need a few more weeks to process all the information you shared with us as well as all the experiences so they become an integral part of my practices.
Thanks for sharing the teachings you received from coyote about the level of “discretion” that you have to maintain sometimes when you work around mining related issues. The protest work has to be public but some of the background work might benefit or, in some case, might only be possible, when it is done with some discretion.
This is quite applicable to our situation here in Saskatchewan with large corporation like CAMECO and ARIVA involved in uranium mining and refining in areas where Aboriginals are present (and not always in agreement with the way Mother Earth is violated).
All this will be quite helpful in my work from a spiritual perspective as well as from a practical one in the context of social activism.
Because of the work you do around mining related issuers you probably know people with geological knowledge and they can be a useful source of information at times. If you don’t, you could always e-mail me if you have any geological / mining related questions or need some specific information. If I don’t have the answer, I could always research it on the Internet or go at the university here where I have access to larger information data bases.
Once again, thanks for everything (including the gluten-free food and cakes),
B.L & S. P.